10-Oct-2023-Block-3 Seminars

11:50AM - 12:20PM

Benefits of Cloud Computing for Clinical Trials Data Storage and Management

  • Integrating cloud-based solutions to scale up and accommodate the increased data storage requirements
  • Reducing capital and operational cost with effective data management
  • Increasing security with limited access to data
  • Optimizing tracking capabilities and visibility of data stored
12:20PM - 1:20PM

Networking Lunch and Exhibition

1:20PM - 1:50PM

Increasing Trust in Sensor Selection for Clinical Trials

  • An overview of regulatory guidelines on what constitutes a medical device
  • Examining the factors for selecting consumer vs. medical-grade devices: Technical verification, algorithms, and economic feasibility
  • Focusing on patient-centricity in clinical trials: Form factor and caregiver considerations
  • Sharing of additional resources for implementing ‘sensors and wearables’ technology
