12 September 2023 Seminars

7:00AM - 7:45AM

Registration and Networking

7:45AM - 8:00AM

Opening Remarks with Emily Donohoe, Conference Director, AMG World

8:00AM - 8:35AM

Digital Twin and the Future of the Industrial Metaverse

• Combining virtual and real worlds to increase productivity in manufacturing
• Implementing digital twin technology to holistically enhance industrial processes
• Identifying potential bottlenecks, optimizing workflows, even remotely monitoring and controlling physical systems


  • Brian Breuhan- General MotorsBrian Breuhan Global Manufacturing Optimization Strategist - General Motors
8:35AM - 9:05AM

Quality 4.0: Leveraging Smart Technology to Enhance Product Quality, Manufacturing Operations, and Improve Organizational Successful

• Defining quality 4.0 and what it means for your organization
• Identifying the resources and digital infrastructure required for quality 4.0: Data, Analytics, and Connectivity
• Evaluating the role of emerging technologies for quality control and streamlined operations: IIoT, AI, Machine Learning
• Addressing common misconceptions surrounding smart technology and quality monitoring & improveme


9:10AM - 9:40AM

Driving Efficiency and Performance: Embracing Modern DevOps Principles in Automotive Manufacturing


9:45AM - 10:25AM

Technology Demonstrations with MakinaRocks, Copia Automation, Hive MQ, Worlds

10:25AM - 10:55AM

Networking Break and Exhibition

11:00AM - 12:00PM

Exploring the Role of Cobots for Optimized Interaction Between Humans and Machines


11:00AM - 12:00PM

Overcoming Industry 4.0 Adoption Challenges to Enhance your Smart Manufacturing Business Outcomes


11:00AM - 12:00PM

Roundtable Discussion: Optimizing Global Operations and Supply Chain for Automotive Manufacturing


11:00AM - 12:00PM

Unlocking the Value of Workforce Education, Retraining, and Upskilling to Bridge the Growing Labor Skills


12:05PM - 12:40PM

Creating a Micro-Factory for Increased Innovation, Vehicle Customization, and Product Quality

Developing a roadmap to create a smart micro-factory and leverage emerging technology
• How the micro-factory is enabling vehicle customization as opposed to offering mass design options
• Ensuring ROI for high-mix, low-volume, customized and personalized products
• How is the manufacturing process different for a hydrogen fuel vehicle vs a hybrid car, and what are the wider impacts of this?
• What role does the micro-factory play in future automotive manufacturing?


12:40PM - 1:40PM

Networking Lunch and Exhibition

1:40PM - 2:10PM

Exploring the Application of Generative AI in Automotive Manufacturing in 2023

Exploring the real-world definition of Generative AI: What does it mean for the future of automotive manufacturing?
• Evaluating the automotive sector’s current position towards Generative AI: Unlocking the benefits and identifying the top use cases
• What steps should be taken to prepare your plant for Generative AI: Developing a comprehensive framework
• Navigating the legal and regulatory environment when integrating generative AI solutions
• Uncovering collective challenges and common misconceptions to generative AI adoption in the automotive sector

2:15PM - 3:15PM

Leveraging Machine Vision Systems to Improve and Enhance Quality Validation Processes


  • Shawn Phillips Smart Connected Factory Manager, Tractors and Combines - John Deere
2:15PM - 3:15PM

Roundtable Discussion: Defining Industrial DevOps and its Transformative Impact on Automotive Manufacturing


2:15PM - 3:15PM

Roundtable Discussion: How the Digital Twin is Optimizing EV Manufacturing in 2023 to Meet Consumer Demand and Minimize Production Inefficiencies


  • Marcelo Mendonca GMMarcelo Mendonca Staff Engineer, Data Analytics - Manufacturing 4.0 - General Motors
3:20PM - 4:00PM

Technology Demonstrations with PREVU3D, Worlds

4:00PM - 4:25PM

Networking Break and Exhibition

4:30PM - 5:30PM

Attracting and Retaining the Next Generation of 4.0 Leaders


4:30PM - 5:30PM

Evaluating the Digital Opportunities and Challenges of Brownfield vs. Greenfield Factories: Selecting the Right Model for your Digital


4:30PM - 5:30PM

Roundtable Discussion: Real-World Factory Transformation: Progress and Challenges

5:30PM - 6:00PM

Unlocking the Role of IIoT for Predictive and Preventive Maintenance

• Exploring the need for robust predictive and preventive maintenance strategies
• Understanding the Role of IIoT for Predictive and Preventive Maintenance
• Recognizing the need for clearly defined business cases when improving systems maintenance and product quality
• Leveraging asset data and historical data to allow for real-time visibility and maintenance of manufacturing systems
• Assessing how IIoT can optimize manufacturing operations on the plant floor

6:05PM - 6:50PM

Defining the Pathway to the Future of Automotive 4.0: Assessing the Impact of Evolving Technologies, EV Manufacturing, and Future Industry Goals

The rise in demand for electric vehicles, combined with the global drive towards greener manufacturing, is forcing automotive OEMs and tier 1 manufacturers to
redesign their current industry 4.0 and smart technology strategies.

This interactive panel discussion will explore best practice strategies, outline key considerations, and review the rationale for change across the automotive sector.

• Evaluating progress in the automotive manufacturing sector relating to EV manufacturing: Growth, demand, and development
• Uncovering the digital challenges faced when transitioning from ICE to EV manufacturing
• Exploring the role of smart technology in EV manufacturing: Outlining key benefits, use cases, and applications
• Overcoming common industry challenges and operational barriers to technology integration for EV production
• Building a framework to successfully integrate and scale industry 4.0 technology for EV manufacturing
• Looking to the future of EV 4.0: Determining future opportunities and next steps
