
7:30AM - 7:50AM

Registration and Networking

7:50AM - 8:00AM

Opening Remarks from AMG World

8:00AM - 8:30AM

Taking a Strategic Approach to Lab Space and Asset Optimization by Capturing Utilization

• Implementing robust systems for capturing comprehensive utilization data from lab spaces and assets • Utilizing advanced analytics to interpret utilization metrics such as equipment usage rates and workspace occupancy patterns • Identifying areas of underutilization or overutilization through thorough analysis of utilization data • Reconfiguring lab layouts to maximize space utilization and facilitate efficient... Read more »


8:30AM - 9:00AM

Asset Performance Management: Transforming Laboratories for a Sustainable Future

• How do I make my lab more efficient? • Leveraging strategic operational management to streamline processes, collect and analyze data, and set accurate milestones • Enhancing traditional asset management practices through technology integration to achieve sustainability • How can Agilent Asset Performance Management solutions help?


  • Steve Heffner National Sales Director, CrossLab Services - Agilent CrossLab Group

9:00AM - 9:30AM

Reduce, Reuse, Refurbish: A Sustainable Framework for Lab Surplus Strategy & Asset Management

• Minimizing the environmental impact of lab operations by implementing 3Rs strategy • Enhancing resource efficiency and cost savings • Managing lab assets lifecycle to maximize reuse and refurbishment opportunities, to reduce environmental impact • Utilizing ALT’s framework to create detailed documentation for managing lab assets from procurement through resale


9:30AM - 10:15AM

Technology Demonstrations with CAI and Genesis

This session provides an additional opportunity to meet with our product and solution providers in the exhibition hall to learn more about the products, technology, and services that have been developed to solve some of your unique challenges. The technology demonstrations will last approximately 8 minutes on four cycles with theopportunity to ask questions immediately... Read more »

10:15AM - 10:45AM

Networking Break and Exhibition

10:45AM - 11:15AM

Streamline Your Lab Operations and Facility Management to Ensure Efficiency, Comfort and Functionality

• How can strategic partnerships with CROs enhance resource utilization and expedite research processes? • Conducting regular quality control and inspection audits to identify and rectify issues promptly • Developing quality assurance protocols and documentation practices • Optimizing communication & collaboration downstream effects for long-term success


  • Tamanna Talukder Clinical Laboratory Scientist/Quality Assurance Manager - Avrokbio


11:15AM - 12:15PM

Want to Make Your Lab More Sustainable? Implementing Effective EHS Strategies to recycle Lab Products


  • Melissa Gutierrez Associate Director of Facilities & Operations - Seawolf Therapeutics


11:15AM - 12:15PM

Capital Preservation in Labs: Identifying Financial Leaks and Implementing Effective Solutions



11:15AM - 12:15PM

Key Budgeting Considerations: How to Operate as a Lab Manager with a Limited Budget in Small Pharma


  • Stephanie Perry KumquatStephanie Perry Associate Director of Laboratory Operations - Kumquat Biosciences Inc


11:15AM - 12:15PM

Comparing The Unique Regional Challenges Associated with Cost, Space, Regulations, Skills, Resources, and Supply Chain


11:15AM - 12:15PM

Preparing your Labs for Technology Automation: Space Optimization, Equipment Selection and Impact on Operations


  • Anthony Navarro Director of Lab Ops, Facilities, and IT - Sonata Therapeutics


12:15PM - 1:15PM

Networking Lunch and Exhibition


1:15PM - 2:15PM

Optimizing the Design and Development Process for New Built-Out Spaces: Balancing Functionality, Compliance and Stakeholder Satisfaction


  • Samantha Sinno Head of Real Estate and Workplace Americas - Boehringer Ingelheim


1:15PM - 2:15PM

Exploring Opportunities and Challenges Associated with Incubator Lab Spaces


1:15PM - 2:15PM

How Pharma Labs Can Achieve Optimal Scalability and Right- Sizing: Strategies for Efficient and Flexible Operations


  • View full profile for Ariana PalenciaAriana Palencia Senior Manager, Lab Operations and Facilities - Aera Therapeutics


1:15PM - 2:15PM

Do’s and Don’ts to Ensure Lab Excellence through Comprehensive Preparation and Compliance for Inspections and Audits



1:15PM - 2:15PM

Planning and Executing the Retrofitting Process and Collaborative Partnerships for a Seamless Transition into New Lab Spaces


  • Jennifer Watts Director, Facilities & Strategic Projects - UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center


2:15PM - 2:45PM

Spotlight Presentation Proudly Hosted by PHC Corporation of North America


  • Mark Brassard Director of Biopharma and Strategic Engagement - PHC Corporation of North America

2:45PM - 3:30PM

Technology Demonstrations with ALT and Xiltrix

3:30PM - 4:00PM

Networking Break and Exhibition


4:00PM - 5:00PM

A Lab Manager’s Perspective on Integrating LIMS and Data Security Measures to Ensure the Protection of Sensitive Information and Compliance



4:00PM - 5:00PM

Managing Operations and Minimizing Disruptions with a Reduced Workforce


4:00PM - 5:00PM

Ensuring Your Labs’ Long-Term Success by Addressing and Assessing Risks With Strategic Tools and Prioritizing Tasks Effectively in a Volatile Market



4:00PM - 5:00PM

Your Lab Space: Maximize Utilization, Generate Additional Income & Foster Collaboration


4:00PM - 5:00PM

Designing a Future-Ready Lab for the Modern Era: Balancing Commercial, Educational and Research Needs


  • Chris Hospidales Director of Lab Operations - Mary Washington Healthcare Hospitals


5:00PM - 5:45PM

Developing Greener Future Labs: Implementing Sustainable Practices in Lab Operations

Prioritizing sustainability in lab operations can lead to cost reductions of up to 30%. As pharma labs continue to evolve, the importance of integrating sustainability practices and ensuring safety (EHS) compliance has never been more critical. As West Coast lab managers face stricter environmental regulations and safety standards, they must strike a balance between operational... Read more »


  • Partha Krishnan Deputy Director, Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) - Sanofi
  • View full profile for Ariana PalenciaAriana Palencia Senior Manager, Lab Operations and Facilities - Aera Therapeutics
  • Pruthvi Shah Sr Lab Operations Manager - NKarta Inc

5:45PM - 5:50PM

Closing Remarks by Conference Chair and AMG World

5:50PM - 5:55PM

Asset Performance Management – Listen to Your Lab And Act


  • Steve Heffner National Sales Director, CrossLab Services - Agilent CrossLab Group

5:55PM - 7:00PM

DRINKS RECEPTION hosted by Agilent CrossLab Group