VW expects its industrial cloud to be a key driver of reducing its production costs by 30% by 2025.

The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is rapidly accelerating, putting immense pressure on automakers to cut costs and maintain profitability. Large OEMs like Stellantis are implementing significant cost reduction measures through restructuring, supply chain optimizations, and workforce adjustments to improve competitiveness.

Implementing industrial cloud solutions will be critical for automakers to drive these cost savings. Cloud platforms enable data integration, process automation, and operational visibility to reduce inefficiencies and optimize production flexibility to meet consumer demands for customization.

At the 4th Edition of the Smart Manufacturing for Automotive Summit (10 September, Detroit, MI), industry leaders will showcase how cloud and other Industry 4.0 technologies can transform automotive manufacturing.

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore cutting-edge solutions for streamlining operations and reducing costs. Register now.